Datapath Logic Cells and I/O Cells | Cell Compilers


Datapath Logic Cells
Suppose we wish to build an n -bit adder (that adds two n -bit numbers) and to exploit the regularity of this function in the layout. We can do so using a datapath structure.
The following two functions, SUM and COUT, implement the sum and carry out for a full adder ( FA ) with two data inputs (A, B) and a carry in, CIN:  
COUT = A · B + A · CIN + B · CIN = MAJ(A, B, CIN).
The sum uses the parity function ('1' if there are an odd numbers of '1's in the inputs). The carry out, COUT, uses the 2-of-3 majority function ('1' if the majority of the inputs are '1'). We can combine these two functions in a single FA logic cell, ADD(A[ i ], B[ i ], CIN, S[ i ], COUT), shown in Figure 2.20(a), where  
S[ i ] = SUM (A[ i ], B[ i ], CIN) ,

Types of ASICs


Types of ASICs

ICs are made on a thin (a few hundred microns thick), circular silicon wafer , with each wafer holding hundreds of die (sometimes people use dies or dice for the plural of die). The transistors and wiring are made from many layers (usually between 10 and 15 distinct layers) built on top of one another. Each successive mask layer has a pattern that is defined using a mask similar to a glass photographic slide. The first half-dozen or so layers define the transistors. The last half-dozen or so layers define the metal wires between the transistors (the interconnect ).
A full-custom IC includes some (possibly all) logic cells that are customized and all mask layers that are customized. A microprocessor is an example of a full-custom IC—designers spend many hours squeezing the most out of every last square micron of microprocessor chip space by hand. Customizing all of the IC features in this way allows designers to include analog circuits, optimized memory cells, or mechanical structures on an IC, for example. Full-custom ICs are the most expensive to manufacture and to design. The manufacturing lead time (the time it takes just to make an IC—not including design time) is typically eight weeks for a full-custom IC. These specialized full-custom ICs are often intended for a specific application, so we might call some of them full-custom ASICs....

ASICs Design Flow


Design Flow

Figure 1.10 shows the sequence of steps to design an ASIC; we call this a design flow . The steps are listed below (numbered to correspond to the labels in Figure 1.10) with a brief description of the function of each step.
FIGURE 1.10 ASIC design flow...

Case Study of ASICs


Case Study

Sun Microsystems released the SPARCstation 1 in April 1989. It is now an old design but a very important example because it was one of the first workstations to make extensive use of ASICs to achieve the following:
  • Better performance at lower cost
  • Compact size, reduced power, and quiet operation
  • Reduced number of parts, easier assembly, and improved reliability
The SPARCstation 1 contains about 50 ICs on the system motherboard—excluding the DRAM used for the system memory (standard parts). The SPARCstation 1 designers partitioned the system into the nine ASlCs shown in Table 1.1 and wrote specifications for each ASIC—this took about three months 1 . LSI Logic and Fujitsu designed the SPARC integer unit (IU) and floating-point unit ( FPU ) to these specifications. The clock ASIC is a fairly straightforward design and, of the six remaining ASICs, the video controller/data buffer, the RAM controller, and the direct memory access ( DMA ) controller are defined by the 32-bit system bus ( SBus ) and the other ASICs that they connect to. The rest of the system is partitioned into three more ASICs: the cache controller , memory-management unit (MMU), and the data buffer. These three ASICs, with the IU and FPU, have the most critical timing paths and determine the system partitioning. The design of ASICs 3–8 in Table 1.1 took five Sun engineers six months after the specifications were complete. During the design process, the Sun engineers simulated the entire SPARCstation 1—including execution of the Sun operating system (SunOS)............

Economics of ASICs


Economics of ASICs

In this section we shall discuss the economics of using ASICs in a product and compare the most popular types of ASICs: an FPGA, an MGA, and a CBIC. To make an economic comparison between these alternatives, we consider the ASIC itself as a product and examine the components of product cost: fixed costs and variable costs. Making cost comparisons is dangerous—costs change rapidly and the semiconductor industry is notorious for keeping its costs, prices, and pricing strategy closely guarded secrets. The figures in the following sections are approximate and used to illustrate the different components of cost.

1.4.1 Comparison Between ASIC Technologies

The most obvious economic factor in making a choice between the different ASIC types is the part cost . Part costs vary enormously—you can pay anywhere from a few dollars to several hundreds of dollars for an ASIC. In general, however, FPGAs are more expensive per gate than MGAs, which are, in turn, more expensive than CBICs. For example, a 0.5 m m, 20 k-gate array might cost 0.01–0.02 cents/gate (for more than 10,000 parts) or $2–$4 per part, but an equivalent FPGA might be $20. The price per gate for an FPGA to implement the same function is typically 2–5 times the cost of an MGA or CBIC.
Given that an FPGA is more expensive than an MGA, which is more expensive than a CBIC, when and why does it make sense to choose a more expensive part? Is the increased flexibility of an FPGA worth the extra cost per part? Given that an MGA or CBIC is specially tailored for each customer, there are extra hidden costs associated with this step that we should consider. To make a true comparison between the different ASIC technologies, we shall quantify some of these costs...............

ASIC Cell Libraries


ASIC Cell Libraries

The cell library is the key part of ASIC design. For a programmable ASIC the FPGA company supplies you with a library of logic cells in the form of a design kit , you normally do not have a choice, and the cost is usually a few thousand dollars. For MGAs and CBICs you have three choices: the ASIC vendor (the company that will build your ASIC) will supply a cell library, or you can buy a cell library from a third-party library vendor , or you can build your own cell library.
The first choice, using an ASIC-vendor library , requires you to use a set of design tools approved by the ASIC vendor to enter and simulate your design. You have to buy the tools, and the cost of the cell library is folded into the NRE. Some ASIC vendors (especially for MGAs) supply tools that they have developed in-house. For some reason the more common model in Japan is to use tools supplied by the ASIC vendor, but in the United States, Europe, and elsewhere designers want to choose their own tools. Perhaps this has to do with the relationship between customer and supplier being a lot closer in Japan than it is elsewhere.
An ASIC vendor library is normally a phantom library —the cells are empty boxes, or phantoms , but contain enough information for layout (for example, you would only see the bounding box or abutment box in a phantom version of the cell in Figure 1.3). After you complete layout you hand off a netlist to the ASIC vendor, who fills in the empty boxes ( phantom instantiation ) before manufacturing your chip.
The second and third choices require you to make a buy-or-build decision . If you complete an ASIC design using a cell library that you bought, you also own the masks (the tooling ) that are used to manufacture your ASIC. This is called customer-owned tooling ( COT , pronounced “see-oh-tee”). A library vendor normally develops a cell library using information about a process supplied by an ASIC foundry . An ASIC foundry (in contrast to an ASIC vendor) only provides manufacturing, with no design help. If the cell library meets the foundry specifications, we call this a qualified cell library . These cell libraries are normally expensive (possibly several hundred thousand dollars), but if a library is qualified at several foundries this allows you to shop around for the most attractive terms. This means that buying an expensive library can be cheaper in the long run than the other solutions for high-volume production.


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