Fuel Cell Fundamentals Book
The question now is why beginning level graduate students are suggested to read Fuel Cell Fundamentals textbook. Yes, this mechanical engineering book covers the main basic and scientific principle of fuel cell in clearly explanation. The author provides and describes the detailed basic concepts and characteristics of fuel cell technology with methodologies and how it works, particularly to design it with high efficiency, so you are able to meet the challenge how to design and analyze it with right standards.
The author of this Fuel Cell Fundamentals book also includes theoretical bases to apply in conventional and electric engine vehicles. Therefore, it is suggested to understand more about fuel cell related to vehicle performance so you know how to configure, control, simulate and design it with right scientific methodologies.
Fuel Cell Fundamentals
Ryan O’Hayre
Wiley (December 2, 2005)
432 pages | PDF
Download here for free pdf ebookFuel Cell Systems Explained
This Fuel Cell Systems Explained book covers and essential concepts as direct guide to introduce the principles, fuel cell design and economic analysis. This second edition has benefit on the latest updated clearly explanation of fuel generation, processes, and fuel cell storage including all entirely concepts. This book revised the various types of fuel cells (Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells.Alkaline Electrolyte Fuel Cells.Direct Methanol Fuel Cells) which figured by completely presentations, operations and possibility of future technology development such as biological or nuclear fuel cell.
This Fuel Cell Systems Explained book begins with introduction of basic theory related of fuel cell concepts, especially focused on efficiency and circuit voltages and their operations. All components of fuel cells is reviewed to produce the flow direction of fuel cell design. This components is consisted of turbines, ejectors, fans, blowers, and pumps or heat pumps. For transferred knowledge, this book indexes appendixes as scratched additional explanation of fuel cell such as delivering process of fuel cell, Molar Gibbs and useful fuel cell equations.
Fuel Cell Systems Explained
Author: Larminie James, Andrew Dicks
PDF| 406 pages | 3,4 MB
John Wiley| 2003-04-18
Download here for free PDF bookAuthor: Larminie James, Andrew Dicks
PDF| 406 pages | 3,4 MB
John Wiley| 2003-04-18
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